In Lustworth Academy, Jimmy Napkins is a juvenile delinquent who has been expelled from every school that...
In Confined with Goddesses, the main character has a girlfriend, but he’s thinking about cheating on her....
Sarada Training: The Last War game – You’re in a village called Konoha, and it’s entirely new...
Meet your famous fandom waifus: D.Va (Overwatch), Jinx and Ahri KD/A (League of Legends), Roxanne Wolf (Five...
In Earn Your Freedom, you play an 18-year-old man who has been captured by some evil guys....
Interact with your favorite anime girls: Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill), Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail), Yoruichi (Bleach),...
The Slave Lord: Realms of Bondage game deals with the darker side of sex: BDSM, bondage, dominance,...
Summertime Saga game – A young man’s father is killed, and he can’t make sense of it....
The Loud House: Lost Panties game – Are you ready for the challenges that face the main...
In SexNote, the main character lived his entire life with his two adopted moms and a stepsister....