Therapy – In this incest-themed visual novel, the story revolves around the gradual moral decay and corrupting...
In Shaggy’s Power, Team Scooby’s situation is pretty dire. They are left with no money and no...
In Witchcraft, you play a girl with magical powers. You studied at the Academy of magic, and...
In re:Dreamer, Zach is a broke college freshman who has spent his entire life as a chronic...
In Criminal Attraction, you assume the role of a cunning FBI agent tasked with infiltrating a gang...
In Scandal, you’re part of what people think is the perfect family. Your last name is Lussini...
In the Princess Trap game, once the Princess escapes the palace, a male prisoner is compelled to...
For the better or worse, Madagascar has undergone a radical transformation. The island has been transformed into...