In the hentai parody of Konoha Training, you will turn into a ninja. Unfortunately, he was driven...
In Rebel Daughter, you’re a young father whose wife divorced him. You are left to raise your...
In the Teen Witches Academy game, you accept the role of headmaster in a Teen School of...
In the slice-of-life visual novel Unleashed, you’re a college student who has had to deal with tragedy....
How We Met – Karlie had a difficult childhood growing up in the foster system until she...
In the Marie’s Adventure game, you assume the role of Marie, a mage donning a cow-printed bikini,...
In Serenity – Ch1, the main character’s mom learned the devastating news that she had cancer when...
In Love and Temptation – Season 2, Miyuki, the central character, is the proud owner of a...