Set two decades after the global sweep of the Metagen-92 virus, commonly known as the “Superflu,” which...
3D games
The Wanking Dead game – You just woke up from being in a coma. The world is...
In Treacherous desires, Julia is the main character’s cousin. It’s been his lifelong dream to get into...
In Plump City 2: My Russian Holidays, Jason lives with his fat stepmother and his stepsister. Both...
How would your life change if you won the lottery? That’s what the game Polyturnon is all...
Neuvau game – Welcome to a female-run world where most of the women dominate and who will...
In White Russian, you’re employed by a small café. Your boss’s two daughters take over the store...
In Harem Highlander, Chad Wolfe has what many would consider an almost impossible task. He has to...