The Point of No Return game. The story revolves around Jennifer Turner, who is a woman in...
3D games
Denos City is where the main character moves to, and he meets Richard Collins. Richard is a...
In Restore Her Career, your father just died, and after the funeral, you move out of your...
In the Inner Growth game, you follow around the protagonist named Thalna. She spends almost all of...
In Corrupted Kingdoms, you assume the role of the protagonist, potentially a hero or villain in this...
In Juno’s Task, you’re an 18-year-old guy who just finished high school. This is your last summer...
The Pilgrimage is a fan-made parody of Mass Effect. Quarian Tali’Zorah of the Migrant Fleet is on...
In Ero Ero No Mi, a young boy suddenly discovers an akuma-no-mi inside an old box, but...
The Way Love Goes game – You were once so lazy that your parents kicked you out...
In Oath Of Loyalty, your character is a young man who’s about ready to graduate from university....